
How to Get Paid What You Are Worth

By September 23, 2016 February 24th, 2020 No Comments

“The problem I had was that I was mainly taking Medicare patients,” says Dr. Abe Boadi. “And I was only getting paid 25% of what my work was worth, and it was just killing me. Whatever I collected, I was putting back into overhead.

“My office was open every day, and I was busy, but because of what they were paying me, I was working hard but had nothing to show for it.

“I had heard of Sterling years ago, and had put down some money on the program, even paid $500 towards the program here and there, but never paid up. I talked to some other people who had used it and they were convinced. Finally last year I figured I’d done it on my own all these years and it was time for some improvement. I decided it was time to give Sterling a try.”

Dr. Boadi finished paying for the Sterling basic program and got on course in Glendale, California.

>”It was kind of rough at the beginning, because I’d been out of school for ten years, and here I was studying again. But I figured I’d paid for it, I should get everything I could get out of it,” he says.

“They taught me how to study all over again, with a new approach. The material made sense. In fact, it was clear to me as I studied that if you followed what the course taught you, you couldn’t fail. But it was up to you to implement it.

“I got back to my practice and when I started keeping the statistics, and sitting down and figuring out the condition of the practice and applying the correct steps per the formula for that condition, I suddenly got a big change!

“It didn’t take three months or two months; I got a change immediately—in one month!

“We stopped taking new Medicare patients, because I’ve been getting 17, sometimes 24, fully paying patients a week, whereas before I would be lucky if I had 17 for a whole month!

“The Sterling’s methods get the staff to work, and the staff realized that they would have to work. That made the attitude in my office completely different. The troublemakers, the people that didn’t want to work, all quit, and that took care of any staff problems.

“What I learned”, says Boadi, “is if you do these things, they work. But you have to put things in action; if you don’t, they won’t work.

“I’ve actually now gotten to a point where I have to expand my office. I have a room which was a sterilization room, which I now have to turn into an operatory and move the sterilization room. And very soon I will have to turn my private office into an operatory.

“Nobody has to tell me about Sterling. When I decided to start applying it, my practice just took off within one month. It didn’t take two months—I saw results right away, and it was a big, big change!”

Abe Boadi, DDS